Evret Greer, 35, a past Franklin County chair of the Libertarian Party of Maine, is running for selectperson in the town of Wilton. He will be running against incumbent selectperson Phil Hilton.
Greer grew up in nearby Livermore Falls, graduating high school early to join the military. After his military service, he lived in Virginia and Colorado before returning to Maine. He has been a resident of Wilton for four years and has been serving on the town’s Finance Committee for the last two years.
“I have enjoyed being a part of the prospering process for this town and wish to play a larger role,” said Greer. “The focus of my term will be to ensure that Wilton continues to prosper in the way the people want. It will be my priority to serve the community, not control it. I am here to change the face of local politics. I can only hope to make Wilton proud.”
Greer marched with fellow Libertarians in the last Wilton Blueberry Festival parade before COVID-19 canceled such events. He also was a volunteer at a rally in Bethel for 2020 presidential candidate Jo Jorgensen.