The Maine Secretary of State’s office has officially confirmed a landmark achievement: Over 5,000 Maine voters have embraced Libertarian affiliation by the close of 2023, granting the Libertarian Party of Maine major party status. Back in 2018, we had more than 6,000 registrants, meeting the criteria for state recognition. However, subsequent legislative actions by the Republicans and Democrats created a minimum requirement of 10,000 registrants for a party to maintain its status, promising to strip registrations otherwise. In a significant turn of events, a federal judge in 2021 deemed this practice unconstitutional, preventing the removal of voter registrations and safeguarding smaller parties’ constituencies. Despite this ruling, our registrations weren’t reinstated, forcing us to rebuild from scratch.

In 2023, through collaborative efforts and the dedicated support of Sen. Eric Brakey, Rep. John Andrews, Rep. Amy Roeder, and others, we successfully championed LD769. This legislative victory reinstated the party-recognition threshold to 5,000 voters, marking a crucial step forward for political inclusivity and representation in Maine. With a now achievable threshold we set to work finding fellow Mainers who did not feel represented by the current system and want a better way forward for themselves and their families. Libertarianism champions maximal individual freedom by advocating for limited government control in personal and economic spheres, prioritizing free markets and individual liberties for a prosperous society. Registering as a Libertarian in Maine signifies support for policies that prioritize personal autonomy, free-market principles, and civil liberties, empowering individuals to contribute to a movement dedicated to limited government intrusion and the promotion of individual freedoms.

While there are too many who were an invaluable part of our success to name them all, we extend our deepest gratitude to Lars Mapstead and Chase Oliver for their invaluable support during our voter registration efforts in Portland. In addition to his boots on the ground activism, Lars Mapstead’s significant financial contributions were instrumental in propelling us over the finish line, securing ballot access for years to come. Their dedication and commitment to our cause have made an immeasurable impact, and we are sincerely thankful for their unwavering support in furthering our mission.

Towards Freedom,
Harrison Kemp
Chair, Libertarian Party of Maine

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